There is, Monks, one thing which, when developed and cultivated, fulfills four things; and four things which, when developed and cultivated, fulfill seven things; and seven things which, when developed and cultivated, fulfill two things.
Concentration by Mindfulness of Breathing (Breathing Mindfulness Meditation), Monks, is the one thing which, when developed and cultivated, fulfills The Four Foundations of Mindfulness. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, when developed and cultivated, fulfill The Seven Factors of Enlightenment. The Seven Factors of Enlightenment, when developed and cultivated, fulfill true wisdom and liberation.
Mindfulness of Breathing Fulfills
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
How, Monks, is concentration by Mindfulness of Breathing (Breathing Mindfulness Meditation) developed and cultivated so that it fulfills The Four Foundations of Mindfulness?
Here, Monks, a Monk, having gone to the forest, to the foot of a tree, or to an empty hut, sits down. Having folded his legs crosswise, straightened his body, and set up mindfulness in front of him, just mindful he breathes in, mindful he breathes out
Breathing in long, he knows: I breathe in long; or breathing out long,
he knows: I breathe out long.
Breathing in short, he knows: I breath in short; or breathing out short,
he knows: I breathe out short.
He trains thus: Experiencing the whole body, I will breathe in;
he trains thus: Experiencing the whole body, I will breathe out.